A lot of people actually know all the bad effects of alcohol on the body. What they don’t actually realize is that alcohol is not exactly bad, but too much consumption and the uncontrollable urge to keep on drinking even if their bodies can no longer take it, is actually what is bad.
Come to think of it, too much of anything could lead to something really bad. Alcohol has a lot of benefits on the body, and some of them might actually surprise people. Just like how a study found out that gin may help someone with hay fever, continue reading to find out more.
Hay fever affects millions of people all over the world
Gin Tonic For Hay Fever
Having a hay fever could literally be so annoying for some, but it could also be extremely irritating to those who get it more often since this could definitely affect their everyday lives. Blocked noses, itchy throats, eyes watering, these are just some of the signs of hay fever that affects most people. Antihistamines are the most common remedy for this, but it turns out that a bottle of gin could also have the power to relieve people from it.
Study says clear spirits like gin and vodka could help relieve hay fever
It has been proven that alcohol may actually make a person’s hay fever worse and even cause asthma. A study from Asthma UK revealed that 64 percent of people who are suffering from asthma actually believe that alcohol makes it worse. Then again, it turns out that clear spirits such as gin and vodka have a different effect. This is because other alcoholic drinks that are considered to be darker and more fermented such as beer and red wine, may actually trigger hay fever and asthma. Whereas clear spirits have low histamine content and gin also does not contain sulfide because of its distillation process.
There are other health benefits of consuming gin that people get really surprised about. People who are suffering from coughs and colds may also want to try to have a shot of gin since it is said to be a huge help when trying to expel the mucus as well as to alleviate coughs. Since gins can be mixed with almost any herb and ingredients, it could be a tonic for a sore throat. A little ginger mixed with some gin is one of the best examples to try. Another one of them is the fact that it is one of those spirits that does not have that many calories.
Gin only contains about 97 calories per shot. This is because gin comes from juniper berries that are also known as “super berries.” Technically speaking, because of that component in the gin, it helps the person digest as well as prevent the drinker from being bloated, which is really common when drinking other alcoholic beverages.

What You Need To Know About Hay Fever
Allergic Rhinitis, or most commonly known as hay fever is known to affect more than 50 million people in the United States. Having a runny or stuffy nose that causes a person to sneeze so much as well as make their eyes and nose really itchy, are just some of the biggest signs of having an allergic rhinitis.
According to medical experts, this usually happens when the immune system overreacts when the body encounters something in the environment that it didn’t like. It is often seasonal, such as during spring and early fall. The body is sensitive to pollen from the grass, weeds, mold spores. Then again, some people get affected no matter what time of the year it is. This is because their hay fever gets triggered by dust, hair, and more that causes what they call a perennial form of allergic rhinitis or hay fever.
The best way to know if you have allergic rhinitis is to see a physician. You’ll most likely to be asked if you deal with dust every day if you have any pets, and even your family history. It may seem like something that doesn’t really bring danger to the health, but there are times that it could be something complicated. Some doctors would then recommend you to undergo a skin test, which is known to be the easiest but the most sensitive way of identifying the allergens.